Thursday, October 27, 2011

Mention in the Austin Chronicle

Besides the music I make for Hosey and our side projects, I also do music/sound work for dance companies, performance artists, and other weird projects that flutter to life in the avant garde fringes of culture. One such project was providing the score for "Deer, to Me", a multimedia piece put on by the company white road Dance Media. The score was originally put together for the first run of the performance in NYC about two years ago, and just this week it was re-performed over several nights in Austin, Texas. A local newspaper ran a review of the show and complimented the music and mentioned yours truly. It kind of made my day. Here's the link: []

Friday, October 21, 2011


I think I overheard a stranger sum up the general feeling I have toward all the metal bands I've been hearing lately--at live shows, that is, which is how I prefer to listen to music. Recordings are so twentieth century. Anyway, this unknown-to-me nailed it. Here 'tis:

"Bah, this band is all 'ch-chunk chunk!' Where's the 'Meedly meedly meedly meeeee!!!' "?!

Nice. It also reminds me that I need to go check in on what Strongbad is up to these days.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Liquor and Liqueur

I've always found it odd that the pronunciations of the words "liquor" and "liqueur" seem to be reversed. Liquor, pronounced "lick-er", is spelled like it should be pronounced "lick-or". Likewise, liqueur, which is pronounced "lick-or", looks like it should be pronounced "lick-er".

I was once a bartender and this is the kind of stuff I would think about on slow days.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

[RECAP] Goodbye Blue Monday 9/4/11

I'm a little late with the recap of the last show, but hey, it's only rock and/or roll. We played another acoustic set in the backyard garage (or "theater" to hear them tell it) at Goodbye Blue Monday. I really love that venue. During the Summer they barbecue burgers and such out back, and the scent of grilled goodness drifting across a stage during a performance of twangy acoustic music is absolutely copacetic.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

[LIVE] Hosey at Goodbye Blue Monday Sept 4th, 9pm

What's the end of the Summer without a BBQ? Nothing, that's what. And what's an end of Summer BBQ soundtracked by Hosey? Something. Come out and join us in the backyard garage at Goodbye Blue Monday in Brooklyn for delicious eats and an acoustic set from y'all's trulies. We'll be playing some new songs, old favorites, and some choice covers. There will be a lot of other excellent bands performing, plus cheap drinks and beautiful people, as in super awesome people who know how to have fun. Drinks are cheap and the cover is free. Uh huh, that's right, zero dollars. See you there!

Monday, August 1, 2011

MTV and Myself Turn 30

Stolen from The Colbert Report

MTV and I were born at the same time, but after 30 years I'm the one who is still playing music. Score one for me.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

[RECAP] "Blow Up the Moon" Photos & Wrap Up

DJ Doriana auf die einsen und zweien

This past Wednesday night was "Blow Up the Moon", a night of bands, booze, and DJs hosted by Hosey. Catch my recap and some photos after the jump...

Thursday, June 16, 2011

[LIVE] Hosey at Otto's Shrunken Head July 27th, 10pm

It's that time of year again! When Hosey takes over Otto's Shrunken Head for an entire night. "Blow Up the Moon" is the theme, as Hughes and I will be making a moon-shaped pinata for your smashing enjoyment. We'll be performing, of course, along with our good friends Intuitions and Proxima Control. Out front Hosey will DJ between band sets. 

Thursday, June 9, 2011

[LIVE] Hosey at Goodbye Blue Monday June 18th, 9pm

 Wow. It's been about a year since Hosey last played a show (we've done some performances in the meantime as our side project, Goodbye Bikini Island, which you may have caught). On Saturday, June 18th we will play a set of new and very different material at Goodbye Blue Monday in Brooklyn (see map). GBM is an awesome little venue with a stage inside and a patio out back where bands perform. We will be on the back patio at 9pm. Bands will be playing inside and outside all night. The cover is only $5, and you can be assured that the musicians will be paid out of that.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Beginning Work on a New Album

I am very excited to announce that tomorrow morning, shortly after 4am, Hosey will begin recording songs for our new album:Cavalry!... and I Don't Mean Horses. This one is going to be a wild departure from previous albums, even by Hosey standards. Less sampling this time around, more original components. Earlier Hosey tracks that are somewhat indicative of the new stuff would be "Ludicrous Speed", "Cribs", "Mode 7", and "Just a Few Seconds".

The album's theme, in typical convoluted Hosey fashion, is a post-apocalyptic Western-style nightmare of a young man who loses the love of his life to the seductions of a twisted cult. She is kept in a castle, cut off from the outside world. Unwilling to lose her without a fight, he hires the only person with the balls to take on the castle with him: a helicopter-piloting, sharpshooting cowgirl known only as Harriet. (Did I mention that horses and helicopters are the only means of transportation?)

Monday, May 9, 2011

"Excellence in Broadcasting"

Thanks to an under-the-radar ebay auction, Hosey just became the proud new owners of a 'fancy' microphone. The ElectroVoice RE-20. It's most popularly known as the microphone Rush Limbaugh uses... except that his is plated *in gold*!!! Gooooold!!!

I'm so excited for it that something came over me while I was doing the dishes... I ended up making this:

Enjoy. I have a feeling there might be more to come...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Grocery Ninja

Once, back when I lived in the swampy suburbs of the South, I made it in and out of a Wal-Mart in under 10 minutes. From parking space to shopping to check out and back. True story.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

From the HOSEY Vault - "Oblivion" (1999)

Oblivion by Hosey

This is one of the earliest Hosey recordings I have. I'll have to write more about it later when I'm not so tired. I made it before I had a sampler, so the process I went through to accomplish the recording was kind of interesting.

It features a sample from The Evil Dead. One of the greatest movies of all time. Also, a sample from Transformers: The Movie (1986). One of my favorite movies of all time, but obviously it's not even remotely close to being one of the best movies of all time.


Benjamin Sure Says "Mrs. Robinson" a Lot in The Graduate

I watched The Graduate for the first time tonight after hearing the commentary on the first few seasons of The Simpsons where the staff constantly checks it as an influence. Very funny movie. I was surprised that I enjoyed it so much. Also, comedy makes more sense to me now. I get jokes.

If you are somehow the only other person besides me on this planet who has never seen it, the film is about a young man named Benjamin Braddock (Dustin Hoffman) who has an affair with one of his parents' friends. Since she is more than twice his age, he always refers to her as "Mrs. Robinson" which I suppose is meant to lend some sort of Greek tragedy-esque weight to the proceedings in the film. Nevertheless, it is mildly sexy at points, but definitely sticks out and gets a little annoying to hear over and over. Its repetition eventually sparked my curiosity: exactly how many times does Benjamin say "Mrs. Robinson" in this film?

34 times, according to a search through the script.

Now you know something new, and something old which was likely more vital has been pushed out of your knowledge ball.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Unofficial "Bootleg" Hosey Shirts

How cool is this? Someone, who isn't me, has designed Hosey t-shirts and is currently selling them through Zazzle.

Friday, February 25, 2011

[VIDEO] "Muse of the Dance" (Hosey music-related)

Untitled from Charles Brice on Vimeo.

This is something I didn't have anything to do with, but it uses some Hosey music so I thought I'd pass it on. This is a really cool video of Nicole Marquez, a dancer currently in Mississippi  who I met while she was in NYC. She has a very interesting story, which I won't rehash here as it is in the video.

I think the video is beautiful. I love all the music she and the director/crew used. I especially like that she used "Cribs" by Hosey, since we wrote that song. There's also music by an up-and-comer whose star is rising fast: Nina Simone! I'm sure she will go far...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

[MP3] "The Holiday Song" by The Pixies, as Performed by Hosey

The Holiday Song by Hosey

Hosey performing "The Holiday Song", originally written and performed by The Pixies. Click the little arrow on the right of the player if you deem this worthy of downloading. Song info and babbling after the jump...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

[Video] "Distance = Rate Times Time" (Pixies Cover)

This is a quick little video of Goodbye Bikini Island performing a few weeks ago at Otto's Shrunken Head for the Copycat night. The theme this time around was The Pixies and here we are covering one of my favorite songs "Distance Equals Rate Times Time" from the album Trompe Le Monde. Singing back up with us is Amy Carrigan. She is wonderful.

You might notice that this is not the first video of a Pixies cover that we've posted. This is no accident. We were asked to play a set of Pixies songs after the promoter for Copycat caught us playing "Cactus" in that older video. What can I say? We love us some Pixies.

More exciting GBI / Pixies news on the way...