Friday, May 20, 2011

Beginning Work on a New Album

I am very excited to announce that tomorrow morning, shortly after 4am, Hosey will begin recording songs for our new album:Cavalry!... and I Don't Mean Horses. This one is going to be a wild departure from previous albums, even by Hosey standards. Less sampling this time around, more original components. Earlier Hosey tracks that are somewhat indicative of the new stuff would be "Ludicrous Speed", "Cribs", "Mode 7", and "Just a Few Seconds".

The album's theme, in typical convoluted Hosey fashion, is a post-apocalyptic Western-style nightmare of a young man who loses the love of his life to the seductions of a twisted cult. She is kept in a castle, cut off from the outside world. Unwilling to lose her without a fight, he hires the only person with the balls to take on the castle with him: a helicopter-piloting, sharpshooting cowgirl known only as Harriet. (Did I mention that horses and helicopters are the only means of transportation?)

Monday, May 9, 2011

"Excellence in Broadcasting"

Thanks to an under-the-radar ebay auction, Hosey just became the proud new owners of a 'fancy' microphone. The ElectroVoice RE-20. It's most popularly known as the microphone Rush Limbaugh uses... except that his is plated *in gold*!!! Gooooold!!!

I'm so excited for it that something came over me while I was doing the dishes... I ended up making this:

Enjoy. I have a feeling there might be more to come...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Grocery Ninja

Once, back when I lived in the swampy suburbs of the South, I made it in and out of a Wal-Mart in under 10 minutes. From parking space to shopping to check out and back. True story.