Saturday, February 26, 2011

Unofficial "Bootleg" Hosey Shirts

How cool is this? Someone, who isn't me, has designed Hosey t-shirts and is currently selling them through Zazzle.

Friday, February 25, 2011

[VIDEO] "Muse of the Dance" (Hosey music-related)

Untitled from Charles Brice on Vimeo.

This is something I didn't have anything to do with, but it uses some Hosey music so I thought I'd pass it on. This is a really cool video of Nicole Marquez, a dancer currently in Mississippi  who I met while she was in NYC. She has a very interesting story, which I won't rehash here as it is in the video.

I think the video is beautiful. I love all the music she and the director/crew used. I especially like that she used "Cribs" by Hosey, since we wrote that song. There's also music by an up-and-comer whose star is rising fast: Nina Simone! I'm sure she will go far...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

[MP3] "The Holiday Song" by The Pixies, as Performed by Hosey

The Holiday Song by Hosey

Hosey performing "The Holiday Song", originally written and performed by The Pixies. Click the little arrow on the right of the player if you deem this worthy of downloading. Song info and babbling after the jump...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

[Video] "Distance = Rate Times Time" (Pixies Cover)

This is a quick little video of Goodbye Bikini Island performing a few weeks ago at Otto's Shrunken Head for the Copycat night. The theme this time around was The Pixies and here we are covering one of my favorite songs "Distance Equals Rate Times Time" from the album Trompe Le Monde. Singing back up with us is Amy Carrigan. She is wonderful.

You might notice that this is not the first video of a Pixies cover that we've posted. This is no accident. We were asked to play a set of Pixies songs after the promoter for Copycat caught us playing "Cactus" in that older video. What can I say? We love us some Pixies.

More exciting GBI / Pixies news on the way...