Wednesday, December 29, 2010

[Video + mp3 ] "Blow Up the Moon" - Cavalry!... and I Don't Mean Horses

Here's a short clip of me playing a little guitar. This piece is called "Blow Up the Moon" and it's part of an upcoming project/release/happening/etc sort of thing called Cavalry!... and I Don't Mean Horses. Below the video is a link to a free mp3 of a longer and more elaborate version of it.

     -----======   Free Download of "Blow Up the Moon" []    ======-----

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Designing the Goodbye Bikini Island Website

I'm putting together a web site for Goodbye Bikini Island and as per my usual standards I'm going for simplicity. Usually I write the HTML myself in a text editor, but this time I thought it might be cool to do something a little more direct, simple, and honest...


Friday, December 17, 2010

[Video] "Cactus" (Pixies cover)

This is a quick little video shot by a friend who came out to the first Goodbye Bikini Island show last Friday (12/10/10). In this clip we're playing "Cactus" by The Pixies. There's some more footage from the show I'll probably post sometime down the line. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Goodbye Bikini Island Logo Idea #01

Working on ideas for a Goodbye Bikini Island logo... wait, I don't think I've discussed the other new band, named after the album. Oh well, I'll talk about that later. For now, I'm heading to Copycat at Otto's Shrunken Head. Where you at?

Well, this Friday night, you should be at our 1st official show as Goodbye Bikini Island. Info in a post below this one. See you there.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Goodbye Bikini Island show on Fri Dec 10th

Hughes and I have been lying low for a minute on the live performance front, but now we're getting back out there with our new project, Goodbye Bikini Island. You might recognize that as the title of our most recent Hosey release, and I guess I should explain...